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babaylan, filipino shaman, batak dungan, batak patupad, babaylan rituals, babaylan healing rituals
Babaylan is a traditional shaman/ healer in the Philippines in Visayan and Mindanao region. He/She is a mediator between mankind and the spirit world. He/She is a Warrior, a Priest, a Sorcerer and Storyteller keeping the wisdom of the ancient Filipinos.

Today, Babaylan is not commonly known so I am passionate to share the services and spiritual guidance of a Babaylan to help the modern people. Babaylans, like with other folk healers in other countries, conduct rituals from healing to bringing harmony against evil spirits. Babaylan magick is one of a kind since we are guided by our ancestors and spirits in bringing our desires provided that we follow proper offerings and rituals.

Here are my Babaylan healing services and rituals:

* Batak Dungan
* Batak Patupad
* Pagloloy-a
* Pa-daga sa Balayan
* Panumbalik sa Hiwit at Sinda
* Pagtatawas
* Healing of Spiritual Illness
* Panghimalad
* Kudlit
* Pangontra sa Kulam at Masasamang Espirito.
* Mahikaw Ritual

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