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About Me

There are some people asking for spiritual assistance for their everyday problems. Some are having difficulty dealing with even the smallest problems so they seek the help of spell casters. Actually, everyone can do magic and cast a spell but most often, people who turn to magic don’t have the confidence to do it for themselves. Some may be afraid of the consequences or just too busy with their jobs and have no time for it. Since not all people are skilled or called to take this path, they would rather hire a witch or a professional spell caster to do the job for them.

Fortunately, I have this gift since I was a child. I discovered the path of Wicca, Witchcraft and other traditional folk magic. My childhood fantasy becomes a reality. I do not claim that I am a master of magic but my dedication, wisdom and knowledge makes mine unique and powerful. In practicing magic, you have to love what you do and always put your best effort into it. You need to study its ways, learn from it and use it wisely.

Call me Pomba or Pomba Gira. This name actually comes from a Brazilian spirit-deity of the Crossroads. I would love to share my experiences as well as help others through my potions, charms and rituals to help them achieve their desires. I can help in any matters, for good or for ill, as long as you are honest to me and serious with it. This is me and this is my Way!

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Feedback: Gayuma Pampa-ibig at Pampabalik