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Do's and Dont's when you have your Love Spell Casted!

  • Never chase your ex to come back by forcing him to want you or love you.
  • If your ex or desired person is resistant, let it be, focus on your other priority.
  • Never stalk or look what he/she is doing on his/her life or social media. You may if instructed by me. 
  • Dont observe everyday if the spell is already working. Good things happen slowly.
  • If you hear any bad news about him/her, dont panic. Relax and do some cleansing as instructed by me.
  • If you see signs of good news or anything seem working in your favor, be silent. Dont tell anyone even your closest friend. Let it fully bloom. 
  • Let the spell work and give it atleast a month to see signs and movement. 
  • Pay attention to your dreams. 
  • Follow simple rituals I will instruct you to do. If you break it, consider the spell broken.
  • Dont talk about your love spell to anyone even your closest friend.
  • If ever dont talk or initiate any contact to your ex or desired person if he is resistant.
  • If you feel bad, dont desperately taking wrong actions. 
  • Wait wait wait. Have real patience as love spell is not going to cure everything.
As with all else, love spell will give amazing results if you learn to LOVE YOURSELF first. 

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Feedback: Gayuma Pampa-ibig at Pampabalik